
Friday, December 29, 2017

Game viewing in the Pilanesberg from Tented Adventures.

There is so much to see and do while at Tented Adventures Pilanesberg.
From a game drive perspective you can self drive or you can have our camp manager
organise a game drive for you.
For this posting we will concentrate on the area around Mankwe Dam
and the Pilanesberg Information Centre which is about 2 km away.

This Steppe Buzzard was keeping a eye on the passing traffic.
Blending in the the colour of the tree, it is very easy to miss a sighting like this.
There are over 300 bird species in the park, and for that reason,
and that fact that it is only 2 hours from Johannesburg, 
visitors flock to add to their life lists.

There is a bird hide at Mankwe Dam and this is well utilized by the park visitors.
Our guests normally get to view not only several bird species,
but some land based wildlife as well.
This is a Little Egret, trying to look disinterested.

And close by a young Nile Crocodile.
Although small, this fellow can inflict a nasty bite.

A female Lesser Masked Weaver...
And rather fussy when it comes to the accommodation that her mate prepares for her

The male Lesser Masked Weaver has to keep building
 until his partner is satisfied with what is provided.
If she show disapproval, he will often have to start from scratch.
It is not uncommon for the nest to be rebuilt multiple times before it is approved.

This Red Bishop looks stunning in the early morning light.

A Lesser Striped Swallow
One of  the species that migrate to this park from Europe.

A Pied Wagtail looking for a meal.

This elephant was spotted at the entrance to the car park of the hide.
Luckily for our guests there is no food source inside the perimeter fence
as there is no gate should he choose to wander in.

An unusual sighting for our guests...
A hippo grazing the the early afternoon.
Usually they only forage under the cover of darkness.
The Zebra does not seem to be too perturbed by its presence 

Sibling love?
Two young Blue Wildebeest calves get entangled.
Our guests really enjoy sighting like these.

Disney has a lot to be responsible for...
This warthog is NOT the Pumba as portrayed in "The Lion King"!
They can inflict nasty injuries with their tusks and
they have been known to successfully fend off predators.

Moving from the dam to the waterhole at the Information Centre.
More often than not our guests come back to camp with stunning images 
of a variety of plains game species that can be found here.
These Zebra do not even know that the giraffe is photo bombing this image.
Or perhaps one of the Zebra has seen him and is pulling a tongue. 

Masters of all they survey.
Fun fact #455:When Giraffe are stationary like this, the collective noun is a "Tower".
Once they start to move, they become a "Journey"

The park is home to both Black and White Rhino.

Several of our guests might well stumble across a Banded Mongoose or two in camp.

Night drives are not offered in the park.
Gate opening and closing times vary seasonally.
So, with the sun vanishing behind the clouds before slipping below the horizon,
it is time to make your way back to the camp and dinner.

Tented Adventures recently won a Lilizela Tourism award!
Well done to all concerned.
To find out more about what we offer,
visit our website:

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