
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

More wild life on a game drive from Tented Adventures, Pretoriuskop, Kruger National Park. Mpumalanga

Another game drive with Enock.
He was a tracker for 7 years, before becoming a guide.
His experience shows as more often than not, 
he spots the animals before the guests do.
He is an absolute pleasure to be on a vehicle with
and he imparts his knowledge and passion for the bush with sensitivity

Often a game drives starts even before you leave
 the Tented Adventures camp site.
In this case, a small family troop of Vervet Monkeys 
caught the attention of the guests.

Considering that a recent drought decimated large numbers of Buffalo,
currently they seem to be plentiful and relatively easy to find.

There are people who would "kill" for eyelashes like this.
In the case of the elephant they do serve a purpose...
And that is to protect the eyes while the elephant is walking through thick vegetation.

The rocky outcrops in this area of the park make for interesting images.
And often leopards can be found seeking shelter here.

The eyes have it.
This young Baboon seems to be looking right in the lens.

When it comes to looks, the Hyena drew the short straw.
Although the adults are part of the "Ugly 5",
the youngsters certainly have what it takes to be one of the "Cute 5"...

A Grey Heron in the fading afternoon sunlight.

Visitors to South African game parks often expect lions to be constantly on the move.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
As is the case with this lioness, they can spent up to 20 hours a day
 lying in the shade or sleeping.

Zebra are a favourite with International guests.
Although they are not as plentiful as Impala, there are often small herds to excite visitors.
Fun fact #222: The collective noun for zebra is a Dazzle.

Although they are being poached at an alarming rate,
the Rhino, in this case a White Rhino,is often one of the first animal sighted.
They have bad eyesight and hearing, but they make up for that with a great sense of smell

If you don't get to spot a leopard,
then a Leopard Tortoise, one of the "Little 5", 
will have to suffice.

This Hyena has a somewhat surprised look on its face.
Possibly whatever it is looking at is no laughing matter.

Hyena moms are not the most maternally minded.
They can have up to four pups, but they only have two teats.
This means that the two weakest pups will invariably die.
Of the surviving two, the stronger, more dominant one,
will often kill the weaker one

Is this a Swallow or is this a Swift?
Not certain? Care to take a guess?
It is the Lesser Striped Swallow.
 Give yourself a pat on the back if you got the correct answer

A young Wild Dog.
This endangered species is one of the best hunters on the continent.

One of the downsides of being in a reserve where there are large numbers of vehicles.
You get this kind of congestion at sighting of the more "popular"species.
Enock is very skilled at manoeuvring his vehicle into the best possible spot for photographs

Time to head back to camp before the gates close for the night...

With the cry of the resident Guinea Fowls as background "music",
Jason explains what is on the dinner menu.
What a wonderful way to end off an event filled game drive!

Tented Adventures recently won a Lilizela Tourism award!
Well done to all concerned.

To find out more about what we offer,
visit our website:

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