
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Is glamping the new authentic Safari experience?

When your world feels like this,
it is time to head into the bush.
Time and space to cleanse your soul of its urban layer, 
even if only for a short while.

Accommodation at Tented Adventures, ready and waiting
Here, the only thing that takes time is unzipping the fly screen on your tent.

And, Hey Presto, this is what guests find when the screen is unzipped!
All that need to be done is to open your suitcase and relax.

Even the chairs on the small deck were ready and waiting.

Seeing that everything had been done from an accommodation point of view,
guests can take time to stop and smell the flowers.

 Helmeted Guinea Fowl must rate as one of THE most stupid birds on the planet.
They seem to have no idea that they can actually fly.
As a result they spend a lot of their time in camp running up and down the fence...
trying to figure out a way to get over it.
Eventually one bird will actually fly over, followed in amazement by the rest of the flock.
Once on the other side, they begin the process all over again, in reverse.
In this image they are resting between attempts to escape and return.

But a visit to the bush, is not only about the accommodation or the food. 
It is all about the game drives, especially for the International visitors
The canvas sides on the Tented Adventures game drive vehicles
 can be raised when the weather is good.

Unlike private game reserves, in Kruger the gates to the various camps open and close at set times.
Heading out almost as soon as we were allowed, this is the
sunrise through the rain on the windscreen of Enock's vehicle.
Only in Africa!

And our first sighting for the day!
A young female Leopard on the branch of a tree.

Back to camp for a breakfast of champions.
There were also tomatoes and mushrooms on offer, 
lest you think that the plate looks "empty".

This is what can happen on a return from an evening drive.
It was close to gate closing time, but the elephants did not seem to care about that.
It was feeding time for them, and they certainly were in no hurry to allow us to pass.

Camp manager, Michael, engaging with the guests around the fire.
Also known as "bush TV", fire has the most hypnotic effect on guests
and it is often difficult to drag them to the dinner table.

What an interesting mix of guests.
At this table were Canadians, Estonians, Russians and Germans.
A veritable United Nations in Tented Adventures.
And more importantly, they all interacted with each other.
Most of the conversations at meals revolved around politics and sport...
with a smattering of wild life thrown into the mix.
Interacting with guests from foreign counties is a way of finding new destinations to visit.
The Russian guest spoke in such glowing terms about Siberia as a tourist destination,
that other guests said that they might consider it as a possible destination.

Dinner is served.
The menu is rotated, meaning that if you stay for three nights
 you will not get served the same food on consecutive meals.
The protein is usually steak, or in this case chicken.
There is also a starter and a dessert served.

If, like this Brown Snake Eagle, you want your eyes opened
 to the joys of what Tented Adventures can offer,
check out their Facebook page:
To find out more about what we offer,
visit our website:

Tented Adventures recently won a Lilizela Tourism award!
Well done to all concerned.

then check out their Facebook page and make a booking:

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