
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

This is the way to start a week...Tented Adventures, Pilanesberg

This is how happy the camp staff at Tented Adventures are to see guests.
From L to R: Bax, Shaun and Thomas...getting some good air!
Not a traditional welcome, but a joyous one never the less. 

This is the most recent addition to the staff  at the camp.
Meet Bax, this young man is currently busy learning the ropes
and is deployed in all the various departments of the camp.
A very friendly, quiet spoken man who is keen to learn.

A tent is a tent is a tent?
From the outside it might look green and khaki, 

Inside is where the "magic" is visible.
Each tent can sleep two adults without them feeling cramped or crowded.
Comfortable beds, good linen and electricity is what makes
 this accommodation special.

Just one of the bird species that can be found within the camp.
The Pilanesberg area is a birders dream destination, 
and this White-Browed Sparrow Weaver was there to welcome the new guests.
And, of course, to look for food.

Although there is electricity in all the tents as well as the lounge/dining tent,
the outdoor spaces are lit by these paraffin lamps.

Don't feel like being indoors, but want to protect yourself from the sun?
Then grab a chair and sit under this rather interesting "tent".

The camp is protected by a fence so that the larger game species 
do not wander into camp unannounced.

That being said, it does not stop the Impala from making a home INSIDE.
In this particular case it looks like Mom is on the wrong side of the fence!
But with some perseverance, they were soon reunited.

At night, this fire pit becomes the focus of attention.

Setting up for dinner...
Soon it will be time to light the fire.

There is something very special about watching the sunset
while enjoying the warmth of a camp fire.

And a couple of hours later...
when the guests start to arrive back from their evening drive.
Time to share stories and experiences.

The guests enjoy their stay so much that they often leave this teapot!
And the guest book is filled with thanks, appreciation 
and line drawings of animals seen during game drives.

Depending on the weather, dinner can be enjoyed indoors or
outside under the stars.

And after dinner...
Time to roast marshmallows over the fire.
What a wonderful way to end off a day.

Good night from Tented Adventures, Pilanesberg.
We do hope that YOU will come and visit soon.
Listen to what some of our guests have to say about us:

You won't need a wake up call for morning game drive.
The resident Guinea Fowl WILL take care of that!

Only 2 hours from Johannesburg or Pretoria,
Tented Adventures is ready to light your fire and passion for a real safari experience.

Tented Adventures recently won a Lilizela Tourism award!
Well done to all concerned.
To find out more about what we offer,
visit our website:

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