
Monday, November 27, 2017

Tented Adventures, Pretoriuskop, Kruger National Park. Game drive sightings

Time to head off on a game drive with Enock.
He was a tracker for 7 years, before becoming a guide.
His experience shows as more often than not, 
he spots the animals before the guests do.
He is an absolute pleasure to be on a vehicle with
and he imparts his knowledge and passion for the bush with sensitivity

If only all the roads in Kruger were this "quiet".
That being said, often when you spot vehicles it could be a sign that they are at a sighting.
More vehicles= better game

If you are in the bush during late November- early January,
then you will see plenty of youngsters.
Visitors tend to negate Impala as they are so plentiful,
but they have an innate beauty that is often overlooked. 

This turtle was using the hippo as an Uber.
When the animal submerged, the reptile waited patiently for it to surface
before hopping back on and settling down for the ride

One of favourites amongst both local and international visitors.
But are they black with white stripes...
or white with black stripes?
Fun fact #476: If the mane is upright, it is a sign that the Zebra is healthy.
All Zebras look "fat" due to a build up of stomach gasses.

Did anyone notice the Red-billed Oxpecker sitting between the "horns"
of this female giraffe?
Fun fact #334: Giraffe have the same number of neck vertebrae(7) as humans

Can you believe that this Klipspringer can cling to a rock with hooves?

The smallest of the African antelope,
the Steenbok is monogamous and pairs for life.
Not usually on a predator menu
as the energy expended is not worth the small amount of meat it provides

The Lion King has a LOT to answer for.
Most visitors refer to this as Pumba, rather than a Warthog.
They are NOT the jolly animal from the movie,
but can inflict a lot of damage if cornered.

Look carefully and you can see the tiny Hippo calf just in front of its mother.

Not really a laughing matter?
The Hyena is much maligned as a scavenger, 
but it is, in fact, a very good hunter albeit somewhat lazy

Although they do not make the best of mothers,
they do seemingly care for those offspring that survive.
Have a close look at the teeth...
Their jaws are able to exert more pressure than that of a lion!

With more than 2000 muscles,
and elephant's trunk is a miracle of nature.
Able to tear down trees or pick up the smallest morsel.

Part of the "Magnificent 7",
the Wild Dog is one of the most successful of all the hunters.
This was the remains of an Impala kill that the pups were utilizing as a chew toy

The most dangerous of the Big 5.
The African Buffalo, especially the bulls,
always glare at you as if you owe them money!

Truly a Lion King and another of the Big 5
This magnificent beast was hiding in plain sight on the top of this rock.
He was not fazed by the line up of vehicles that had stopped to take a picture

Together with the Wild Dog, the Cheetah is the second species 
that converts the Big 5 into the Magnificent 7.
It might be the fastest of all land mammals,
but it is not  successful at retaining its prey.
This usually as a result of the energy it utilizes to catch their meal,
it leaves them physically draining and unable to eat immediately.
As a result, they often lose their meal to scavengers.

The cry of the African Fish Eagle is the personification
of an African bush experience.

A troop of Baboons settling down for the night...
as guests head back to camp in the quickly fading evening light.

With the cry of the resident Guinea Fowls as background "music",
Jason explains what is on the dinner menu.
What a wonderful way to end off an event filled game drive!

Tented Adventures recently won a Lilizela Tourism award!
Well done to all concerned.

To find out more about what we offer,
visit our website:

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