
Sunday, February 18, 2018

A safari Guide diary. Jason Branford shares some of his favourite images.

 My name is Jason Branford and I am one of the safari guides
 at Tented Adventures, Pretoriuskop, Kruger National Park.
My "office" is approximately  19,485 sq km (7,523 sq miles)
and the view changes on an almost daily basis.
For that reason I get up every morning with a sense of wonder and excitement.
"What will I be able to share with my guests today".

No sighting can ever be guaranteed.
That being said, there are individual animals that frequent
 the same area on a regular basis...and it is these that often are responsible for repeat sightings.
Cats are always a favourite with my guests...
And up close and personal is even better.
There is NOTHING like the roar of a lion to get the adrenalin pumping.

" I see you"...

I get to experience the most visceral  feeling when I am able 
to sit in silence with my guests and enjoy this. 

When it comes to Leopard, this is often the only view that
is offered...

But then again, we might get lucky and get to see this.

"How do you photograph an elephant"?
'"One piece at a time", I was told...
So this is just a piece of the whole.

The Lilac-breasted Roller
The "National bird" of the Kruger National Park...
and one of my favourites as it like posing!

Humans have to pay to enjoy a mud bath at a Spa.
This Rhino has the same treatment for free.

Sunrise and sunsets are always very special in the African bush

Why not come and join us for an authentic safari experience?
To find out more about what we offer,
visit our website:

Tented Adventures recently won a Lilizela Tourism award!
Well done to all concerned.

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